Seiko, get your shit together.

Every year around this time, I get my tax returns. I make sure to pay a little extra through the year, to recieve a pleasant surprise in late March. The extra money goes straight to a new watch, this year, a Seiko Prospex SPB101J1. The mighty Sumo.

From authorized dealers in Norway, you will have to spend 1000$ to walk away with this beauty. Not cheap. Although I have plenty experience with the Seiko quality control, this thing surprised me. Absolutely everything lines up. But the second hand was all loose. When I shook my wrist, it jumped all over the place. Working perfectle when the watch was stationary, but going fully bonkers when moved around.

Thanks to Urmaker Næss in Sandefjord and Optura Nordic, things worked out quickly. Less than 24 hours after I got it back? Movement was magnetized. It’s a shame that these watches look so good.


I need therapy