The Algorithm

“Man, I hate the algorithm” “My posts are so good, but the algorithm keeps them form going viral” “Instagram sucks, I’ll take my business elsewhere”

You’ve probably seen some variation of these when scrolling any social media. The algorithm can destroy the Instagram experience for a lot of people. Still, Instagram is the preferred platform for watch photography, thus we have no choice but to embrace it.

Algorithm = Life giver

As Instagram creators, we must not only respect the algorithm, we must also adapt and overcome its obstacles. Here are five tips as to how you can succeed.

  1. Regularity

    • Instagram rewards creators who keep their audience coming back day after day. Take a look at your insights and find out when most of your follower are active. Pick a time, and post around that time every day. No exceptions.

  2. Engagement

    • Get your followers engaged! Create polls, questionnaires, and Q&As, preferably every day.

  3. Reels

    • I realize that this might not be a very popular suggestion. The watch community seems to prefer photos, but Instagram wants it differently. The TikTok wave is over us, and reels are the new big thing. I try to post at least two reels every week. Tip: post your reels to TikTok as well. There is a huge audience for it out there.

  4. Call to action

    • Don’t be afraid to tell your followers what to do. Ask for comments, tell them to like and share. Instagram loves a post with lots of likes and comments.

  5. Quality Quality Quality

    • By far the most important point. If the quality is there, the audience is there. Spend lots of time learning about watch photography, learn how to make cool videos and study the work of other creators who you like. You’re not going anywhere if your photos are crap.


200$ collection

